
Пропало электричество в Аргентине и Уругвае




пока я мылся - тут это событие никак не было отражено :)

Аргентина и Уругвай целиком остались без электричества

Сбой произошел в аргентинской энергосистеме и затронул несколько соседних стран. Так, массовое отключение электричества затронуло также юг Бразилии и несколько городов в Чили //  www.rbc.ru

и проблемы с электричеством в стране у них давно. статья 2016 года - низкие цены на электричество для населения и резкий рост потребления. (англ.яз)

Why the Argentine government is clamping down on electricity demand | Latin American Energy Review

Summary: Argentina's energy crisis may take longer to resolve than initially thought. The government has begun a campaign to reduce demand in what is perhaps the single most important culprit of the country's energy crisis: runaway residential demand. They may have to soften the messaging to be successful. About the Author: Carlos St. James is an advisor to energy investors and developers in emerging markets. He co-founded the Argentine Renewable Energies Chamber in 2005; has been a board member of the Latin American & Caribbean Council on Renewable Energy since 2010; founded the Middle East-Americas Energy Council in 2014; and publishes the Latin American Energy Review in his free time. He was recently named Summit Chairman of the upcoming LAC-CORE Finance Summit held at the Ritz Carlton in Miami, Florida this October 3-5, and will also be speaking at the Argentina International Clean Energy Congress in September. ======================== Argentina's energy crisis might take longer to resolve than initially thought. The government's recent energy re-pricing schemes have come under fire, culminating in a court decision to halt utility bill price increases until further review. This could put a wrench in the administration's goals to attract new energy investors. But while the press focuses on the aggressive price hikes to gasoline and natural gas, it fails to see the true problem: runaway residential electricity consumption, far beyond what other countries have experienced — regardless of economic growth or social equity issues. No one disputes anymore that Argentines enjoyed very cheap and heavily subsidized energy during the last populist government. I wrote about it in detail in my 2011 book, Estado de la industria argentina de energias renovables, a few years after founding the Argentine Renewable Energies Chamber (and which includes 75 maps, graphs and charts — download free of charge here), making the case that those very subsidies kept investors away from the GENREN tenders at that time. The country's electricity costs have been among the lowest in the region; two examples from independent sources: In 2010 the Corporacion Andina de Fomento (CAF) completed a study of residential electricity costs in the region's 24 largest cities, finding that the average utility bill was $29/month. Among the highest were Montevideo at $58/month and Rio de Janeiro at $46. Buenos Aires had the second lowest in the region at $15/month, beaten out only by La Paz, at $14.50. The Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energia (OLADE) completed an analysis of electricity rates by country in 2009 and the results were even more revealing. Argentina's residential rates of three cents a kilowatt-hour (kwh) were lower than any of its neighbors and less then one-fifth the regional average cost of $0.16/kwh. See graph below (click on images for greater clarity). Source: OLADE Prolonged levels of subsidization create an environment where there is no incentive for consumers to save energy or be energy efficient. It is also a disincentive to invest in long term generation assets. It leads to increased electricity consumption – and not of the productive kind. Proof of Argentina's out-of-the-ordinary growth in electricity consumption can be seen in a World Bank study collecting data on kwh per capita consumption over time (see next graph). Here you are looking at energy consumption, regardless of its relative or absolute cost. Looking at the last ten years (2004-13 – latest available figures), a different picture emerges showing that Argentina's overall electricity consumption grew by 36% during that period, among the fastest in the region and certainly higher that the regional average of 26% — or even the world average of 21% over that same period (green bars). Source: World Bank, Electric Power Consumption Database But even this still masks the problem, because rapid energy consumption in and of itself doesn't give you the complete picture: it could be coming from greater industrial or commercial usage – a sign of strong economic expansion. Not only that, some of the more mature economies (see the US and the European Union in the graph) have seen consumption contraction over this period while still maintaining economic growth, as these economies have elected to focus on energy efficiency (lowering the demand side) rather that expanding capacity. But during the same time period, China's per capita electricity demand grew by an astonishing 137%; it didn't even fit on my chart. Unfortunately Argentina's demand growth was not borne of greater industrial or commercial activity. The final graph borrows newer data from CAMMESA, Argentina's wholesale power market administrator. It shows a breakdown of electricity demand between residential, commercial and industrial categories over the 2006-2015 period. Industrial demand has remained essentially flat, growing only 8.5% during this ten year period, while residential demand increased an amazing 66% (see red line). //  carlosstjames.com

Судя по времени начала аварии 7-00 население в массе встало и включило электроприборы.



а теперь в Нью-Йорке :)

Манхэттен во мгле, или Александр Акоста, бай-бай!

Сорок вторая годовщина отключения электричества, внезапная отставка министра труда Акосты, борьба Эпстайна за домашний арест, добрый комментарий Трампа по поводу книги Пола Райана и еще один Акоста. //  blog.gerstein.us

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