Игор>Захожу я по адресу [урл=хттп://аирбасе.ру/цги-бин/форум/ултиматебб.цги?убб=гет_профиле&у=00002638]Данные пользователя Флоггер-Б[/урл] и читаю: Войсковая специальность... - "АПЦ дривер". Ну, да, гуртовщик Американского Энергетического Превращения
Игор>Предлагаю переименовать страницу "[урл=хттп://ввв.аирбасе.ру/мисц/аббрев.хтм]Общепринятые авиационные сокращения[/урл]" в "Общепринятые сокращения" и дополнить ее (совместными усилиями) морскими и сухопутными сокращениями, включая англоязычные. Вот, первое уже готово:
Игор>[б]АПЦ[/б] - Арморед (Армоуред) Персоннел Царриер
Игор>// И в перспективе - создание словарей для Лингво
Если Вам интересно, вот эти я уже постил, думаю будет Вам интересно.
AAR-after action review
ADA- air defence arttillery
ADVON- advanced detachment
AFB- air force base
ALOC- Administrative Logistics Operations Center-If the CP is taken out, assumes the responcibilies of the command post, sometimes XO would merge the ALOC and CP in one HQ, increasing productivity but also risk. Well there is no such thing as free lunch.
AO- area of operations
AOR- area of responcibility
ARFOR- Army Forces component of a joint task force.( The other's are-MARFOR (Marines), AFFOR (Air Force), NAFFOR (naval forces) and SOF(special operations forces)
ASAP- As soon as posssible
ATK-AVN attack aviation (helicopter gunships)
BCTP- Battle Command training program
BFV- Bradley figthing vehicle
BLUEFOR- Friendly forces units in field exercizes
Blue on Blue-Friendly fire (although there is nothing "friendly" about it)
BN- battalion
BNOC- Basic Noncommissioned Officer's Course
C2- command and control
CA- civil affairs
Types of supplies-
class 1 rations and water
class 2 expendible supply items
class 3 petroleum,oil and lubricants
class 4 construction and barrier material
class 5 ammunition
class 6 personal comfort items
class 7 major end items (example -new truck)
class 8 medical supplies
commo- communications
CP- Command post
CS- tear gas
CSS- Combat Service Support
DISCOM- divisional support command
DIVARTY- divisional artillery
DRV- division ready brigade
DRF- Division ready force-1 The first battalion task force from the first brigade to deploy.
Noncom ranks
E-5 sergeant
E-6 staff sergeant
E-7 sergeant first class
E-8 master sergeant or first sergeant
E-9 command sergeant major
ETS-end time of service. Honorable discharge-DEMBEL'
FA- field artillery
FARRP- forward area refuel and rearm unit-aviation
FDS- Fire direction Center
FIST- field artillery forward observer team
FORSCOM- Forces Command
FSB- Forward support battalion
FSCOOD- fire support coordinator
FSE- Fire support element
FSO- fire support officer
GSR ground surveilance radar
HHC- headquarters and headquarters company
HQ- headquarters
HUMINT- human intelligence( scouts and agents)
ILLUM- illumination
IR- infrared
JTF- joint task force
LBE- load bearing equipment
LIC- low intencity combat-example Northern Ireland and Somalia.
LRSU- Long range surveillance unit
MAC- Military airlift command
medevac- medical evacuation
METT-T- mission equipment terrain troops-time
MILPERCEN- US Army Personnel Menagment Division
MILVAN- large containers
MOUT- military operations in urban terrain(cities)
MP- Military police
MRE- meals ready to eat( or rather meals rejected by everybody )
MSR- main supply route
NBC- nuclear biological chemical warfare
NCO- noncommissioned officer
Officers ranks
O-1 Second liutenant (butter bar)
O-2 first liutenant
O-3 captain
O-4 major
O-5 luitenant colonel
O-6 full colonel
O-9 luitenet general
OC observer controller
OOTW- operation other that war
OPORD- operation order
OPSUM -operation summary
PAC- Personnel Action Center
PGM- Precision guided munition
PLDC- Primary Leadership development course
PX- post exchange
QRF- quick reaction force
RAOC- rear area opertion center
ROE- rules of engegment
RTO- radiotelephone operator
S1- personnel and administrative staff section
S2- intelligence staff section
S3- plans, operations and training staff section
S4- logistics staff section
S5- civil affairs staff section
SASO- stability and suportt operation
SICPS- standart integral command post system
SOF- Special forces
SOP- standart operating procedure
TAC-AIR- figther bomber
TAC-CP- tactical command post
TACON- tactical control
TAOR- tactical area of responsibility
TF- task force
TOC- tactical operation center
USMC- United States marine Corp ( Uncle Sam Misguided Children) Always carry themselves like a hot Sh.. usually refer to ARMY as
-jarrheads as the refer by Army.
XO -executive officer officer.