



Хороший пример использования CSS-свойства text-shadow:

CSS Text-Shadow in Safari, Opera, Firefox and other Web Browsers

The CSS 2 property text-shadow is supported in Safari since version 3 (also available for Windows), Opera since 9.5, Firefox since 3.1, Google Chrome since version 2, Konqueror and iCab. In fact, text-shadow is supported by all browsers that are based on WebKit, the rendering engine behind Safari and Chrome. Internet Explorer 8 does not support such text shadows (except for some DirectX image transform filters). Start/stop animations. Text shadows were defined in 1997 and became applicable in 2009 Text shadows were defined in 1997 and became applicable in 2009 Safari 3 supported one shadow only. //  Дальше — maettig.com
Немного о генерации теней через картинки (GIF и PNG с альфа-каналом)

CSS Drop Shadows

Much used, oft maligned but always popular, drop shadows are a staple of graphic design. Although easy to accomplish with image-editing software, they’re not of much use in the fast-changing … //  www.alistapart.com

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