Many people still use BitTorrent to download TV series or movies and usually you need to wait until the file has finished downloading before you can start to watch. However, you can also stream torrent video files so they can be watched while they are downloading, here are 10 tools that can do it.
// www.raymond.cc
Сам периодически использую ROX Player.
ROX Player - innovative media player for all types of video files, IPTV, DHT and P2P protocols.
// roxplayer.com
Надо присмотреться к Tribler.
Do not put yourself in danger. Our anonymity is not yet mature.
Tribler does not protect you against spooks and government agencies. We are a torrent client and aim to protect you against lawyer-based attacks and censorship. With help from many volunteers we are continuously evolving and improving.
How anonymity works
Get started & screenshots
Tribler includes search. You can find lot of videos without any web site.
// Дальше — www.tribler.org
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