
ВМС США [вторая половина ХХ века и современность...2]

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DDR 80

От служивого с Москвы, 1979.
Средиземное море, USS Brownson (DD-868) ...
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DDR 80

USS Simpson (FFG 56).
Подписано - Совместные учения с 6 флотом, 1992 ...
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US Seafang-45 #20.10.2023 20:19  @Seafang-45#19.10.2023 01:45



USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76)

The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group (CSG) conducted drills with a Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) frigate in the East China Sea from earlier this week, and Russian bombers flew off the coast of Japan on Tuesday. Meanwhile, China is pushing back on claims its fighter jet harassed a Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) conducting a mission near North Korea.

The Reagan CSG, comprised of carrier USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), cruisers USS Antietam (CG-54) and USS Robert Smalls (CG-62) and destroyer USS Shoup (DDG-86), conducted tactical exercises with frigate JS Noshiro (FFM-3) in the East China Sea from Monday to Wednesday according to a Thursday JMSDF release.
US Seafang-45 #20.10.2023 20:38  @Seafang-45#20.10.2023 20:19



USS Carney (DDG-64) in Red Sea

USS Carney (DDG-64) “shot down” the three missiles and a number of drones from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen, according to Pentagon officials.

“This action was a demonstration of the integrated air and missile defense architecture that we have built in the Middle East and that we are prepared to utilize whenever necessary to protect our partners and our interests in this important region. There were no casualties to U.S. forces and none that we know of to any civilians on the ground,” Pentagon press secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters.
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RalF !


Snake> Это который SSN-800, заложенный год тому назад?

Да, но сами знаете какая закладка формальность.
US Seafang-45 #20.10.2023 23:14  @Seafang-45#20.10.2023 20:38



Seafang-45> USS Carney (DDG-64) in Red Sea
Seafang-45> USS Carney (DDG-64) “shot down” the three missiles and a number of drones from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen, according to Pentagon officials.

The Houthi do have evolved long-range strike capabilities, supplied by Iran, Ben Taleblu said.

“Some of these systems can reach southern Israel, like Eilat for example, when fired from Houthi-controlled territory in northern Yemen,” he said.

The missile intercept comes as the U.S. Navy is massing forces in the Eastern Mediterranean following the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has ordered the Ford and Eisenhower Carrier Strike Groups and the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, with the embarked 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, to the region.
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Snake>> Это который SSN-800, заложенный год тому назад?
R.!> Да, но сами знаете какая закладка формальность.
Конечно. Вообще термин устаревает ;)
RU Вованыч #22.10.2023 11:20  @Snake#16.10.2023 12:57


Snake> 14 октября в Гротоне вступила в строй 22-я Виргиния с символическим именем SSN-795 Hyman G. Rickover

"Человек и пароход" ©
"Отец атомного флота"
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Hyman Rickover.jpg (скачать) [706x1000, 288 кБ]
NL Snake #22.10.2023 11:47  @Вованыч#22.10.2023 11:20


Вованыч> "Человек и пароход" ©
Вованыч> "Отец атомного флота"

А в СССР кто "отец", на твой взгляд? Задумался, как то одного человека назвать сложно.
RU Вованыч #22.10.2023 13:17  @Snake#22.10.2023 11:47


Snake> А в СССР кто "отец", на твой взгляд?

Отвечу твоей же фразой:
Snake> одного человека назвать сложно
если вообще возможно

Кстати, по поводу Риковера - товарищ родился в Российской Империи:
...на территории современной Польши в городке Макув-Мазовецки (тогда это была Российская империя) в небогатой многодетной еврейской семье, и при рождении получил классическое имя – Хаим. Когда ему было шесть лет, родители Абрахам и Рахиль, после одного из частых в то время еврейских погромов, эмигрировали в США.
NL Snake #22.10.2023 13:26  @Вованыч#22.10.2023 13:17


Вованыч> Кстати, по поводу Риковера - товарищ родился в Российской Империи:

Да. Читал вот это.
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US Seafang-45 #24.10.2023 19:43  @Seafang-45#19.10.2023 01:45



Seafang-45> “The Eisenhower CSG will join the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which arrived earlier this week,” reads a statement from Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the "Ike Carrier Strike Group" to U.S. Central Command on Sunday, Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Monday morning.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, which includes Arleigh Burke-class destroyers USS Gravely (DDG-107) and USS Mason (DDG-87) and Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58), deployed Oct. 14, with initial plans to head to the U.S. European Command area of response.

Despite deploying Saturday, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69), the flag ship of the carrier strike group, was still off of the coastline of Virginia Beach, Va., as of Thursday. The ship was completing a final set of carrier qualifications before departing the East Coast. Ike is now in the western Atlantic Ocean.

“When we send them somewhere, we are deliberately sending an incredibly strong signal to our adversaries, but also to our allies and partners about the depth of our support and the ability of the U.S. military to expeditiously dynamically respond to contingencies anywhere in the world. That’s what we’re demonstrating today in the Middle East,” a senior defense official told reporters on Monday.



что США тоже копируют
https://defence-blog.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/8087778.jpg [Image access forbidden: 403]

US Navy tests new containerized missile launcher

The U.S. Navy has announced that the USS Savannah (LCS 28) showcased its capabilities with a live-fire demonstration on October 24th in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. According to a press release, during the exercise, a containerized launching system fired an SM-6 missile at a predetermined target, highlighting the adaptability and firepower of Littoral Combat Ships //  defence-blog.com
US Seafang-45 #28.10.2023 21:05  @sahureka#26.10.2023 14:44



U.S. Drills with Allies in the South China Sea

Warships from the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan and New Zealand conducted drills in the South China Sea.

Destroyers USS Rafael Peralta (DDG-115), JS Akenono (DD-108) and HMAS Brisbane (DDG41) and frigates HMCS Ottawa (FFH-341) and HMNZS Te Mana (F111) conducted exercise Noble Caribou on Monday in the South China Sea, according to a Tuesday release by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).

“The participating countries in the exercise are maritime nations with long coastlines in the Pacific Ocean, and are like-minded nations that seek to maintain an international order based on the rule of law in order to realize a Free and Open Indo-Pacific,” said Akebono’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Hisato Togawa, in the release.

The exercise consisted of tactical, maneuvering and communication drills. The release also stated that JS Akebono had been docked into Changi Naval Base, Singapore.
US Seafang-45 #28.10.2023 21:12  @Seafang-45#28.10.2023 21:05
RU Вованыч #29.10.2023 10:26


Ударный БЛА X-47B ВМС США был замечен на одном из авианосцев в Средиземноморье.

Не исключено, что Пентагон будет использовать эту машину в экспериментальном порядке в возможных конфликтах на Ближнем Востоке.
RU Гость Мк3 #29.10.2023 11:39  @Вованыч#29.10.2023 10:26

Гость Мк3



Интересно, откуда новость?

Видео, насколько я могу судить сходу, старое - испытания X-47 на борту Гарри Трумена, к текущим событиям никак не относится.
RU Вованыч #29.10.2023 12:52  @Гость Мк3#29.10.2023 11:39


Г.М.> Интересно, откуда новость?

Утянуто у ВО (vk). Тоже немного удивлся, но в свете последних событий - хз, если честно.
RU Гость Мк3 #29.10.2023 13:34  @Вованыч#29.10.2023 12:52

Гость Мк3


Г.М.>> Интересно, откуда новость?
Вованыч> Утянуто у ВО (vk). Тоже немного удивлся, но в свете последних событий - хз, если честно.

Сильно сомнительно. Это у ВО какое-то "хайпожорство" уже пошло. Девайс давно сдали в архив, а уж даже если предположить, что с него в условиях секретности "сдули пыль", то на без пяти минут ТВД недоделанному и недоиспытанному полуфабрикату делать нечего. Будет только мешать работать штатному крылу авианосца.
RU Вованыч #29.10.2023 16:21  @Гость Мк3#29.10.2023 13:34


Г.М.> Сильно сомнительно... Девайс давно сдали в архив...

Вполне возможно. Поживём - увидим.
Кстати, АУГ во главе с "Дуайтом Эйзенхауэром" (АВ, КР и 2 ЭМ) уже вошла в Средиземное море, вчерашние фото. Корабли вышли из Норфолка 13 октября.
RU sam7 #29.10.2023 17:10  @Вованыч#29.10.2023 16:21


Вованыч> Вполне возможно. Поживём - увидим.
Вованыч> Кстати, АУГ во главе с "Дуайтом Эйзенхауэром" (АВ, КР и 2 ЭМ) уже вошла в Средиземное море, вчерашние фото. Корабли вышли из Норфолка 13 октября.

На фото этого захода на палубе не видно...
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F9hAQ9UW4AA9NDd.jpeg (скачать) [1213x1387, 368 кБ]
F9jZUbWWcAAtkSE.jpeg (скачать) [2048x1364, 338 кБ]
US Seafang-45 #30.10.2023 18:39  @Seafang-45#24.10.2023 19:43



Seafang-45> The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group.

Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is headed toward the mass of U.S. naval power in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea after transiting the Strait of Gibraltar on Saturday. Meanwhile, two ships of the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group are now in the Red Sea.

The Navy confirmed aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) and its escorts made the transit early Saturday via social media.

The Ike Carrier Strike Group, which includes Arleigh Burke–class destroyers USS Gravely (DDG-107) and USS Mason (DDG-87) and Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58), deployed Oct. 14 with Carrier Air Wing 3 embarked.

The strike group was first set to operate with USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) and its escorts off the coast of Israel. Ford has been in the Mediterranean since June as part of the U.S. continued presence operation in the region that began in December of 2021 but was moved closer to Israel following the Hamas attacks of Oct. 7.The current plan, as outlined by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, will move the Eisenhower through the Suez Canal into U.S. 5th Fleet.
US Seafang-45 #31.10.2023 19:14  @Seafang-45#20.10.2023 23:14



Seafang-45>> USS Carney (DDG-64) in Red Sea

Red Sea Presence: USS Bataan and USS Carter Hall

USS Bataan (LHD-5) and USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) are expected to remain in the Red Sea for an extended period as part of the U.S. naval buildup in the Middle East, two defense officials confirmed to USNI News Monday.

The two ships were previously going to join USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19), the other ship assigned to the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group. Mesa Verde is currently in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Embarked on the three ships is the North Carolina-based 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit . The MEU includes the command element; the aviation combat element, Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron, 162 (Reinforced); the ground combat element, Battalion Landing Team 1/6; and the logistics combat element, Combat Logistics Battalion 22. The Marines aboard are trained to evacuate civilians in conflict zones.

Defense officials confirmed that besides Bataan and Carter Hall, at least three guided-missile destroyers are also in the Red Sea. USS Roosevelt (DDG-80), USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116) and USS Carney (DDG-64) are all in the Red Sea.
US Seafang-45 #02.11.2023 19:44  @Seafang-45#28.10.2023 21:05



Seafang-45> Destroyers USS Rafael Peralta (DDG-115), JS Akenono (DD-108) and HMAS Brisbane (DDG41) and frigates HMCS Ottawa (FFH-341) and HMNZS Te Mana (F111) conducted exercise Noble Caribou on Monday in the South China Sea, according to a Tuesday release by the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).

Carl Vinson CSG along with Australian and Canadian forces will take part in the Japan Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF) Annual Exercise 2023 held from Nov. 10 to the 20 in Japan’s seas and airspace according to a Tuesday JMSDF release. The objectives of the exercise is to train tactical judgment by commanding officers and unit operational procedures, to enhance JMSDF capabilities to execute missions and to strengthen cooperation. The forces participating are:


Destroyer helicopter carrier JS Hyuga (DDH-181) and 15 other ships P-1 maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) and around 20 other JMSDF aircraft
U.S. Navy:

Carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) and 10 other ships
P-8 Poseidon MPA and around 10 other aircraft

Destroyer HMAS Brisbane (DDG-41) and one other ship
One RAAF P-8 Poseidon MPA

Frigate HMCS Vancouver (FFH-331) and two other ships
The other RAN ship is expected to be either frigate HMAS Toowoomba (FFH-156) or fleet oiler HMAS Stalwart (A-304), which, together with Brisbane, are on a regional presence and engagement deployment in the Indo-Pacific. Frigate HMCS Ottawa (FFH-341) and fleet oiler MV Asterix are expected to be the two other Canadian ships as both are deployed in the region with Vancouver on a regional presence and engagement deployment. The release stated that the exercise is the JMSDF’s largest since 1954, that this year’s exercise will be the first time that the Philippine Navy will participate by deploying staff officers as observers.

The Philippines’ participation follows previous engagements and exercises held by the United States and partner nations with the Philippines as that nation continues to assert its sovereignty against China over claims in the South China Sea. On Monday, the PLA Southern Theatre Command issued a statement saying that Philippine Navy corvette BRP Conrado Yap (PS-39) illegally entered the waters off Scarborough Shoal that day. Scarborough Shoal is a rock in the South China Sea lying 119 nautical miles west from the Philippines’ main island on Luzon and claimed by both the Philippines and China, though since 2012, China has maintained a continuous presence.
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Адмирал Лиза Франкетти была назначена на пост начальника управления военно-морских операций США. Таким образом, она стала первой женщиной на высшей офицерской должности в Военно-морских силах США. Против ее кандидатуры во время голосования в сенате США выступил только один сенатор
Сенат США утвердил адмирала Лизу Франкетти на пост начальника управления военно-морских операций. Таким образом, она стала первой женщиной на высшей офицерской должности в Военно-морских силах (ВМС) США. Об этом сообщает Би-би-си со ссылкой на заявление главы Министерства обороны США Ллойда Остина.

Адмирал Лиза Франкетти стала первой женщиной на посту главы Военно-морских сил США

Адмирал Лиза Франкетти была назначена на пост начальника управления военно-морских операций США. Таким образом, она стала первой женщиной на высшей офицерской должности в Военно-морских силах США. Против ее кандидатуры во время голосования в сенате С //  www.forbes.ru
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