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Syrian Tanks / Armor Losses (Estimated)
Part of channel(s): Syria (current event)
First Photo: The zones in where destroyed the Military Vehicles
Second: The types of vehicle tank /APC /IFV ... Easy to Understand for Germans talkers
Third: The Losses for Mount
Tanks: 380
Infantry fighting vehicles: 320
Command post vehicles: 6
Armoured recovery vehicles: 7
Self-propelled guns: 14
Armoured personnel carriers: 14
Self-propelled anti-aircraft weapons: 24
Reconnaissance vehicles (BRDM): 26
Shilka / (Flak) Self-propelled guns: 30
Armored cars: 31
There are 861 Military vehicles Destroyed or Captured by the Rebels
How much is that ?
According with
GlobalSecurity.org - Reliable Security Information the Syrian Armor force was composed in 2011 by about 10290 Tanks/ APC/ IFV/ SP Artly so there the losses are the 8,37% of the total of the Syrian Armor force.
According with
http://www.globalfirepower.com/... The total from Syrians Tanks/ APC/ IFV/ SP Artly was 12614 in 2011 so the 6,82%
I take the info from this blog
Syria: Short information about the losses of tanks in the Syrian conflict. A Russian Blogger tries to get all data about losses of tanks.
// www.syrianews.cc