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Гишпанец Schnellboot Archive
SCHNELLBOOTE IN THE SPANISH NAVY By Alejandro Yanez, Spain. As a result of the Civil War, Spain broke into two sides and most navy units fell into Republican hands. In order to counter his naval inferiority, General Franco asked his allies, Italy and Germany, for help. Italy sold Spain two old destroyers and some torpedo boats. Italy also dispatched several submarines to patrol the Spanish coast as a "peace keeping" operation. At the time, the Kriegsmarine was in the process of rebuiding after the Armistice with little to spare and urgent needs of its own. German naval help was mainly in the form of military advisors. Later, help was delivered to Franco in the form of the Kriegsmarine's highly effective Schnellboot. In 1938 Kriegsmarine sold five decomissioned S-boote, S-1 to S-5 to the Nationalist Navy. These were somewhat worn-out experiemental boats already considered obsolete by the Germans, so their practical military value was doubtful. However, they…
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