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Танкеры точно есть см. 9 линия первый по списку он самый - fleet oiler RFA Brambleleaf
(на всякий случай список присутствующих:)
Review Procession, 14 ships, 5 of them Royal Navy ships
1. 793ts 1910 Trinity House Yacht Patricia
2. 4700ts 1899 Royal Yacht HMY Victoria and Albert
3. 1650ts 1934 Admiralty Yacht HMS Enchantress
4. 23500ts 1935 P&O RMS Strathmore
5. 13241ts 1921 Lamport and Hull cruise liner Vandyke
6. 16755ts 1928 New Zealand Shipping Co. RMS Rangitiki
7. 18724ts 1927 Cunard RMS Laurentic
8. 16280ts 1920 Donaldson Atlantic liner Cameronia
The five liners had embarked guests of the British Government.
9. 995ts 1919 Hunt Class minesweeper HMS Alresford (with guests of the Board of Admiralty)
10. 995ts 1918 Hunt Class minesweeper HMS Saltburn (with guests of the C-i-C Home Fleet)
11. 995ts 1919 Hunt Class survey ship HMS Kellett (with guests from Gosport and Portsmouth)
12. 792ts 1916 New Medway Steam Packet Co. paddle steamer ferry Queen of Thanet
13. 825ts 1930 Southern Railway (Isle of Wight) paddle steamer ferry Whippingham
14. 342ts 1928 Southern Railway (Isle of Wight) paddle steamer ferry Portsdown
The three ferries carried various naval staff personnel.
Line 1, 5 ships
1. 1023ts 1911 steam schooner Jeanette
2. 149ts 1930 Southern Railway car ferry Hilsea
3. 169ts 1886 Channel Island ferry Joy-Bell III
4. 2001ts 1920 four-masted schooner Westward
5. 379ts 1929 Coast Lines ferry Ulster Prince
Line 2, 10 ships
1. 412ts 1924 Southern Railways (Portsmouth-Ryde) paddle steamer ferry Shanklin
2. 533ts 1922 P&A Campbell (south coast) paddle steamer ferry Glen Gower
3. 535ts 1914 P&A Campbell (Bristol Channel) paddle steamer ferry Glen Usk
4. 519ts 1905 P&A Campbell (south coast) paddle steamer ferry Brighton Queen
5. 520ts 1905 P&A Campbell (Ilfracombe-Swansea) paddle steamer ferry Devonia
6. 537ts 1899 P&A Campbell (south coast) paddle steamer ferry Waverley
7. 482ts 1906 New Medway Steam Packet Co. (Rochester-Southend) paddle steamer ferry Royal Daffodil
8. 798ts 1916 New Medway Steam Packet Co. (pleasure steamer) paddle steamer ferry Queen of Kent
9. 793ts 1909 Central Steam Navigation Co. (London-Southend-Clacton) paddle steamer ferry Golden Eagle
10. 229ts 1884 Cosens and Co. paddle steamer Golden Victoria
Line 3, 21 ships
1. 8009ts 1935 motor tanker Anadara
2. 8406ts 1936 BP tanker British Fame
3. 13245ts 1923 liner Voltaire
4. 16738ts 1925 P&O liner Ranchi
5. 16556ts 1922 P&O liner Moldavia
6. 15363ts 1913 Royal Mail Line Atlantis
7. 45647ts 1914 Cunard liner Aquitania
8. 16243ts 1922 Cunard RMS Lancastria
9. 2974ts 1936 Gas, Light and Coke Co. merchantman Mr. Therm
10. 1546ts 1931 Stevenson Clarke Co. merchantman Flathouse
11. 1091ts 1936 County Borough of Brighton coaster Henry Moon
12. 921ts 1909 Northern Lighthouses vessel Pharos
13. 106ts 1906 harbor tug Rector
14. 634ts 1937 F.T. Everard coaster Suavity
15. 618ts 1904 Irish Lights vessel Alexandra
16. 10697ts 1921 City Line passenger ship City of Simla
17. 3285ts 1921 Yeoward Line passenger ship Aquila
18. 1548ts 1932 General Steam Navigation Co. (London-Southend/Margate/Ramsgate) paddle steamer Royal Eagle (for guests of the Colonial Office)
19. 4227ts 1929 London and Northeast Railways (Harwich-Hook of Holland) ferry Vienna
20. 4413ts 1930 London and Northeast Railways (Harwich-Hook of Holland) ferry Amsterdam
21. 1552ts 1933 Southern Railway (Guernsey/Jersey/French ports) ferry Brittany
Line 4, 20 ships, 5 of them Royal Navy ships
1. 175ts 1930 yacht Taransay
2. 100ts 1911 yacht Mariquita
3. 66ts 1932 motor schooner Vera Mary
4. 41ts 1914 ketch Best Friend
5. 455ts 1905 steam yacht Zaza
6. 483ts 1903 steam sloop Lady Vagrant
7. 275ts 1899 schooner Lucinda
8. 15501ts 1927 Star Line/Leyland liner Arandora Star
9. 15248ts 1925 P&O liner Comorin
10. 20097ts 1929 Orient liner Orontes
11. 20033ts 1925 Orient liner Otranto
12. 9081ts 1912 British India Steam Navigation (London-Calcutta) liner Neuralia
13. 9557ts 1917 Bibby Line liner Lancashire
14. 12555ts 1936 British India Steam Navigation liner/troop ship Dilwara
15. 16402ts 1922 Canadian Pacific liner Montrose
16. 953ts 1917 Hunt Class minesweeper HMS Tedworth (for guests of the Admiral Superintendent)
17. 953ts 1919 Hunt Class survey ship HMS Flinders (for guests of the Hydrographer)
18. 1224ts 1917 R-Class destroyer (DD) HMS Skate (for guests of the various naval shore establishments)
19. 1051ts 1917 M-Class DD HMS Tyrant
20. 1225ts 1919 S-Class DD HMS Sardonyx (for guests of the various naval shore establishments)
Line 5, 21 ships
1. 102ts 1930 ketch Maria Catharina
2. 614ts 1901 steam yacht Rosabelle
3. 21ts 1882 motor cutter Vanda
4. 254ts 1925 motor ketch Sylvia
5. 68ts 1898 motor ketch Rubicon
6. 361ts 1902 steam schooner Osprey
7. 214ts 1874 motor brigantine Lady of Averel
8. 147ts 1937 motor ketch Thendara
9. 670ts 1919 steam schooner Foinaven
10. 581ts 1931 motor schooner Evadne
11. 447ts 1882 steam schooner Boadicea
12. 751ts 1924 motor schooner Princess
13. 326ts 1913 steam schooner Anglia
14. 367ts 1883 steam schooner Melisande
15. 140ts 1875 motor schooner Tamesis
16. 555ts 1922 motor schooner Sona
17. 10ts 1900 motor cutter Laura
18. 439ts 1897 steam schooner Schievan
19. 909ts 1929 motor schooner Migrante
20. 886ts 1911 steam schooner Conqueror
21. 384ts 1919 steam ketch Ocean Rover
Line 6, 19 ships
1. 18ts 1936 motor yacht Esmeralda
2. 88ts 1930 motor ketch Silver Cloud
3. 118ts 1923 schooner Mandolin
4. 223ts 1926 steam yacht Atlantis
5. 193ts 1899 motor ketch Moyana
6. 275ts 1902 schooner Ombra
7. 735ts 1888 steam yacht Star of India
8. 659ts 1929 motor yacht Sunbeam II
9. 186ts 1920 motor ketch Lulworth
10. 559ts 1927 motor yacht Radiant
11. 164ts 1928 Bermuda cutter Astra
12. 36ts 1882 Royal Naval Sailing Assosiation motor yawl Amaryllis
13. 568ts 1905 steam yacht Venetia
14. 227ts 1903 motor ketch Diane
15. 1421ts 1912 schooner Sapphire
16. 161ts 1887 schooner Amphitrite
17. 32ts 1929 House of Lords motor yacht Medusa
18. 709ts 1929 motor schooner Rhodora
19. 151ts 1931 motor yawl Altair
Line 7, 19 ships, 1 of them a Royal Navy ship plus 17 of them foreign ships
1. 850ts 1937 Estonian submarine Kalev
2. 1920ts 1929 Polish Wicher-Class DD Burza
Allocated berth of Spanish destroyer Ciscar was no. 3, but the ship was absent, blockaded in Bilbao.
3. 1650ts 1931 Turkish class-name DD Kocatepe
4. 651ts 1906 naval (Chatham-Sheerness) ferry Nimble
5. 7080ts 1914 depot ship (ex seaplane-tender HMS Ark Royal) HMS Pegasus
Guests of both ships were retired officers of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines
6. 1850ts 1929 Romanian Regele-Ferdinand-Class DD Regina Maria
7. 2440ts 1934 Portuguese Albuquerque-Class sloop Bartolomeu Dias
8. 2055ts 1911 Cuban sloop Cuba
9. 4000ts 1930 Finnish armored ship Väinämöinen
10. 4100ts 1918 Danish armored ship Niels Juel
11. 7900ts 1917 Swedish armored ship Drottning Victoria
12. 14980ts 1928 Japanese Myoko-Class heavy cruiser (HC) Ashigara
13. 8339ts 1921 Dutch Sumatra-Class light cruiser (LC) Java
14. 9956ts 1910 Greek LC Georgios Averoff
15. 16145ts 1934 German Deutschland-Class HC Admiral Graf Spee
16. 26170ts 1911 Soviet Gangut-Class battleship (BB) Marat
17. 31000ts 1911 Argentine Rivadavia-Class BB Moreno
18. 35200ts 1934 French class-name BB Dunkerque
19. 31924ts 1912 Texas-Class BB USS New York
No Italian warship was present at the review or a ship from the Irish Free State (which had no navy, but fishery control vessels only). With reference to European states with coastlines, there also were no warships from Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway or Yugoslavia.
Line 8, 26 ships, 26 of them Royal Navy
1. 1890ts 1936 H-Class DD HMS Hereward
2. 1940ts 1934 F-Class DD HMS Foresight
3. 1940ts 1934 F-Class DD HMS Fame
4. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Encounter
5. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Electra
6. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Eclipse
7. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Echo
8. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Esk
9. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Express
10. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Escort
11. 1940ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Escapade
12. 2049ts 1934 E-Class DD HMS Exmouth
13. 5300ts 1918 Carlisle-Class LC HMS Cairo
14. 5276ts 1917 Ceres-Class LC HMS Curlew
15. 5276ts 1917 Ceres-Class LC HMS Coventry
16. 5300ts 1918 Carlisle-Class LC HMS Colombo, wearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Commanding 10th Cruiser Squadron, temporary acting Rear-Admiral for the coronation review Arthur Ninian Dowding, RN
17. 5300ts 1918 class-name LC HMS Carlisle
18. 5276ts 1917 Ceres-Class LC HMS Cardiff (Captain Geoffrey Robert Sladen Watkins, RN), Senior Officer Reserve Fleet, The Nore
19. 5276ts 1917 Ceres-Class LC HMS Curacao (Captain Edward Desmond Bewley McCarthy, RN)
20. 6030ts 1918 D-Class LC HMS Dunedin (Captain The Honourable Edmund Rupert Drummond, RN) wearing the flag of Vice Admiral Commanding Reserves, Home Fleet, Vice Admiral Sir Gerald Charles Dickens, RN
21. 33500ts 1915 Royal-Sovereign-Class BB HMS Resolution (ADC Captain Sir Lionel Arthur Doveton Sturdee, RN)
22. 33500ts 1915 Royal-Sovereign-Class BB HMS Revenge (Captain Frederick Arthur Buckley, RN)
23. 33500ts 1916 Royal-Sovereign-Class BB HMS Ramillies (Captain Arthur Hugh Oldham, RN)
24. 33500ts 1915 class-name BB HMS Royal Sovereign (Captain Roderick Bruce Tremayne Miles, RN)
Scheduled for no. 25 was 33500ts 1914 BB HMS Royal Oak (Captain Thomas Bernard Drew, RN, wearing the flag of Rear Admiral 2nd Battle Squadron, Rear Admiral Charles Gordon Ramsay, RN), but 20 May 1937 she was at St Jean de Luz and did arrive in Plymouth 4 June only. Allocated berths but not present were also 2022ts 1934 DD leader HMS Faulknor and and 1940ts 1934 F-Class DDs HMS Foxhound and HMS Fearless, both also in Spain.
25. 33500ts 1925 Nelson-Class BB HMS Rodney (Captain Wilfred Neville Custance RN)
26. 33500ts 1925 class-name BB HMS Nelson (Captain Alan Ramsay Dewar, RN), flagship of C-in-C Home Fleet, Admiral Sir Roger Roland Charles Backhouse, RN
Line 9, 29 ships, 28 of them Royal Navy
1. 12300ts 1917 fleet oiler RFA Brambleleaf
2. 1508ts 1919 Modified W-Class DD HMS Wild Swan
3. 1508ts 1917 Modified W-Class DD HMS Winchelsea
4. 1508ts 1919 Modified W-Class DD HMS Whitshed
5. 1508ts 1919 Modified W-Class DD HMS Verity
6. 1812ts 1926 prototype DD HMS Amazon
7. 1815ts 1930 A-Class DD HMS Acheron
8. 1490ts 1918 W-Class DD HMS Wrestler
9. 1490ts 1918 W-Class DD HMS Winchester
10. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Beagle
11. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Brazen
12. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Brilliant
13. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Blanche
14. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Bulldog
15. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Boadicea
16. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Boreas
17. 1850ts 1930 B-Class DD HMS Basilisk
18. 1942ts 1931 DD Leader HMS Kempenfelt
19. 13700ts 1919 Aircraft Carrier (AC) HMS Hermes (Captain The Hon. George Fraser, RN), with sub-lieutenants (E) and midshipmen (E) from Keyham and cadets from Dartmouth
20. 11359ts 1936 Southampton-Class LC HMS Newcastle
21. 11359ts 1936 class-name LC HMS Southampton
22. 27165ts 1916 AC HMS Furious (Captain John Wittewronge Clayton, RN)
23. 27560ts 1916 class-name AC HMS Courageous (Captain Maitland Walter Sabine Boucher, RN) wearing the flag of Vice Admiral Noel Frank Laurence, RN, Vice Admiral Aircraft Carriers, Home Fleet
24. 27560ts 1916Courageous-Class AC HMS Glorious (Captain Bruce Austin Fraser, RN)
25. 37490ts 1916 Renown-Class Battlecruiser (BC) HMS Repulse (Captain John Henry Godfrey, RN)
26. 41200ts 1918 BC HMS Hood (Captain Arthur Francis Pridham, RN) wearing the flag of Vice Admiral Commanding Battle Cruiser Squadron and Second- in-Command Mediterranean Fleet, Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Blake, RN
27. 21250ts 1912 Gunnery Training Ship HMS Iron Duke (Captain Cyril Eustace Douglas-Pennant, RN), with sub-lieutenants (E) and midshipmen (E) from Keyham and cadets from Dartmouth
28. 36600ts 1914 Queen Elizabeth-Class BB HMS Barham (Captain Norman Atherton Wodehouse, RN) wearing the flag of Rear Admiral Thomas Hugh Binney, RN, Rear Admiral Commanding 1st Battle Squadron Mediterranean Fleet
29. 35500ts 1913 class-name BB HMS Queen Elizabeth (Captain Edward Leigh Stuart King, RN) wearing the flag of Admiral Sir Dudley Pound, RN, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet
Line 10, 37 ships, 37 of them Royal Navy
1. 1508ts 1919 Modified W-Class DD HMS Wanderer
2. 1508ts 1919 Modified W-Class DD HMS Wren
3. 1508ts 1919 Modified W-Class DD HMS Wishart
4. 1512ts 1917 V-Class DD HMS Viscount
5. 1512ts 1918 V-Class DD HMS Vidette
6. 1490ts 1918 W-Class DD HMS Wolfhound
7. 1523ts 1917 V-Class DD HMS Vanquisher
8. 1490ts 1918 W-Class DD HMS Walpole
9. 1512ts 1918 W-Class DD HMS Woolston
10. 2000ts 1920 Shakespeare-Class DD Leader HMS Broke
11. 504ts 1919 H-21-Class Submarine (sub) HMS H 49
12. 504ts 1918 H-21-Class Sub HMS H 33
13. 1150ts 1919 L-50-Class Sub HMS L 54
14. 1089ts 1919 L-50-Class Sub HMS L 26
15. 1870ts 1926 Australian O-Class Sub HMS Oxley
16. 1831ts 1926 O-Class Sub HMS Oberon
17. 504ts 1919 H-21-Class Sub HMS H 50
18. 504ts 1918 H-21-Class Sub HMS H 34
19. 504ts 1918 H-21-Class Sub HMS H 32
20. 1089ts 1919 L-9-Class Sub HMS L 27
21. 960ts 1936 S-Class Sub HMS Spearfish
22. 927ts 1932 S-Class Sub HMS Sturgeon
23. 5250ts 1915 Depot Ship HMS Titania
24. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Griffin
25. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Grenade
26. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Glowworm
27. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Greyhound
28. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Gallant
29. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Grafton
30. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Gipsy
31. 1890ts 1935 G-Class DD HMS Garland
32. 2010ts 1935 DD leader HMS Grenville
33. 12300ts 1920 Hawkins-Class HC/Cadet training ship HMS Frobisher
34. 9280ts 1931 New Zealand class-name LC HMNZS Leander (Captain James William Rivett-Carnac, RN) of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy
35. 13315ts 1927 London-Class HC HMS Devonshire (Captain Gerard Charles Muirhead-Gould, RN)
36. 13315ts 1928 London-Class HC HMS Shropshire (Captain William Eric Campbell Tait, RN)
37. 13315ts 1927 class-name HC HMS London (Captain Herbert Pott, RN) wearing the flag of Rear Admiral Charles Edward Kennedy-Purvis, RN
Line 11, 6 ships
1. 1224ts 1926 four-masted schooner Flying Cloud
2. 762ts 1911 yacht Sayonara
3. 984ts 1914 Southampton Steam Ship Co. passenger ferry Greetings
4. 509ts 1913 Alexandra Towing Co. Southampton tug/tender Romsey
5. 700ts 1913 Alexandra Towing Co. Southampton tug/passenger ferry Flying Kestrel
6. 264ts 1927 Southern Railways (Lymington-Yarmouth) paddle steamer Freshwater
Line 12, 19 ships, 19 of them Royal Navy
1. 1510ts 1933 Grimsby-Class Sloop HMS Fleetwood
2. 2806ts 1932 netlayer HMS Guardian
3. 927ts 1932 S-Class Sub HMS Seahorse
4. 927ts 1933 S-Class Sub HMS Starfish
5. 927ts 1933 S-Class Sub HMS Swordfish
6. 2157ts 1935 Porpoise-Class Sub HMS Narwhal
7. 2052ts 1932 class-name Sub HMS Porpoise
8. 5805ts 1907 depot ship HMS Lucia
9. 2900ts 1936 netlayer HMS Protector
10. 8750ts 1934 depot ship HMS Woolwich
11. 11300ts 1905 repair ship HMS Cyclops
12. 2157ts 1936 Porpoise-Class Sub HMS Grampus
13. 2157ts 1936 Porpoise-Class Sub HMS Rorqual
14. 2753ts 1934 Thames-Class Sub HMS Clyde
15. 2753ts 1934 Thames-Class Sub HMS Severn
16. 2680ts 1932 class-name Sub HMS Thames
17. 1942ts 1931 C-Class DD HMS Comet
18. 1226ts 1919 S-Class DD HMS Stronghold
19. 1942ts 1931 C-Class DD HMS Crusader
Line 13, 24 ships
1. 288ts 1893 Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. ferry Vulcan
2. 684ts 1930 Southampton, Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. tug Calshot
3. 1922ts 1930 Fishguard-Rosslare Railway Co. ferry St. Patrick
4. 2294ts 1924 Southern Railway (Southampton-St. Malo) ferry Dinard
5. 2143ts 1932 Southern Railway (Southampton-Channel Islands) ferry Isle of Jersey
6. 1774ts 1913 London, Brighton and South Coast (Newhaven-Dieppe) ferry Paris
7. 2288ts 1928 Southern Railway (Newhaven-Dieppe) ferry Worthing
8. 2912ts 1929 Southern Railway (Dover-Calais) ferry Canterbury
9. 2391ts 1933 Southern Railway (Newhaven-Dieppe) ferry Brighton
10. 2211ts 1931 Southern Railway (Southampton-Channel Islands) ferry Isle of Sark
11. 2291ts 1924 Southern Railway (Southampton-Channel Islands-Brittany) ferry St. Briac
12. 2143ts 1930 Southern Railway (Southampton-Channel Islands) ferry Isle of Guernsey
13. 206ts 1880 schooner Oceania
14. 138ts 1930 yacht Galeta
15. 59ts 1920 schooner Michabo
16. 2386ts 1918 Southern Railways (Folkstone-Boulogne) ferry Maid of Orleans
17. 576ts 1898 Trinity House ship Vestal
18. 699ts 1927 three-masted sailing ship Creole
19. 821ts 1933 motor schooner Trenora
20. 828ts 1920 steam yacht Cutty Sark
21. 90ts 1907 Bermudan schooner Joyette
22.112 1904 steam yacht Medea
23. 68ts 1925 motor schooner Seaward
24. 32ts 1909 motor schooner Hoshi
Line 14, 10 ships, 7 of them Royal Navy
1. 271ts 1935 Directorate of Fisheries research vessel/diesel trawler Mary White
2. 324ts 1917 Directorate of Fisheries research vessel George Bligh
3. 290ts 1901 Scottish Fisheries research/ Fisheries protection vessel Minna
4. 1640ts 1930 class name sloop HMS Hastings
5. 1350ts 1916 Flower-Class sloop HMS Lupin
6. 1890ts 1936 I-Class DD HMS Icarus
7. 1815ts 1929 DD HMS Antelope
8. 2912ts 1929 DD leader HMS Codrington
9. 6715ts 1933 Arethusa-Class LC HMS Galatea
10. 1510ts 1936 Grimsby-Class sloop HMS Aberdeen
Line 15, 11 ships, 5 of them Royal/Canadian/Indian Navy
1. 127ts 1928 steam drifter D´Arcy Cooper
2. 448ts 1935 steam trawler Stormflower
3. 90ts 1915 steam drifter Ocean Pioneer
4. 275ts 1919 Milford Steam Trawling Co. trawler Milford Countess
5. 745ts 1936 Kingfisher-Class patrol sloop HMS Kittiwake
6. 745ts 1936 Kingfisher-Class patrol sloop HMS Puffin
7. 1815ts Canadian A-Class DD HMCS Saguenay
8. 1815ts 1930 Canadian A-Class DD HMCS Skeena
9. 1680ts 1934 Indian sloop HMIS Indus
10. 579ts 1937 Mersey Dock and Harbour Board pilot vessel William M. Clarke
11. 342ts 1932 Trinity House pilot vessel Brook
Line 16, 9 ships, 8 of them Royal Navy
1. 46ts 1911 Lowestoft smack Telesia 2. 745ts 1936 Kingfisher-Class patrol sloop HMS Mallard
3. 1330ts 1934 Halycon-Class minesweeper HMS Harrier
4. 1330ts 1934 Halycon-Class minesweeper HMS Skipjack
5. 1330ts 1934 Halycon-Class minesweeper HMS Hussar
6. 1330ts 1936 Halycon-Class minesweeper HMS Niger
7. 1330ts 1935 Halycon-Class minesweeper HMS Speedwell
8. 1330ts 1936 Halycon-Class minesweeper HMS Salamander
9. 1330ts 1933 class-name minesweeper HMS Halycon
Line 17, 4 ships
1. 342ts 1928 Southern Railways (Isle of Wight) paddle steamer ferry Merstone
2. 381ts 1911 London, Brighton and South Coast Railways (Isle of Wight) paddle steamer ferry Duchess of Norfolk
3. 684ts 1934 Southern Railways (Isle of Wight) paddle steamer ferry Sandown
4. 825ts 1930 Southern Railways (Isle of Wight) paddle steamer ferry Southsea