Balancer> Mastodon:Balancer> Sea Lion Club
Да у меня их тьма, в каждой сети по аккаунту почти...
well I had to write a sysv init script today and I wished it was systemd
— moonman, 21 December 2018
To quoth:
Why not walk down the wider path, using GNU/Linux as DOM0? Well, if you like the kernel Linux, by all means, do that! I prefer an well-engineered kernel, so I choose NetBSD. [...]
Unfortunately, NetBSD's installer now fails on many PCs from 2010 and later. [...]
Update 2018-03-11: I have given up on NetBSD/Xen and now use Gentoo GNU/Linux/Xen instead. The reason is that I ran into stability problems which survived many NetBSD updates.
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Yeterday night, Russia's Proton orbited a military communications satellite "Blagovest 13L", pushing the world's 2018 launch record to astonishing 103 successes, or a 27% jump over the CY 2017. The name is often translated as "good news", which appears to be an attempt to dismantle the portmanteau word into stems. But actually, "blagovest" means the ringing of bells before a church service. But wait! "Blagovestie" means "the gospel", "blagovestvovat'" means to preach the gospel.
Are Russians just doing this to trigger the Muslims?
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Notes taken with a 0.7mm pencil.
Why am I watching this trash? It’s even made by GONZO, and didn’t I have a strict no-GONZO policy? The basic answer is, I tend to want to switch off recently.
The concept of the show is this: the protagonist is transferred to another world, where he has to seduce 12 maidens and sire 12 children. Said children then fight some monsters or other, in order to save the world. Children are clearly not human, but they are mostly antropomorphic little freaks. They pop up without any pregnacy or childbirth, as soon as very sex-like "Love Ritual" is concluded.
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