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Теги : english, news, английский, новости, Rolls-Royce, rolls-royce
2003-10-17, Serge Pod: ~~~I think more [IMG]http://airbase.ru/forum/smi lies/wink.gif[/IMG]. This UAV uses AR801 Engine. It is a wankel-type rotor liquid cooled engine with displacement  294ccm. [IMG]http://www.uavenginesltd.co .uk/images/ar801.jpg[/IMG] You can see more…
2003-10-05, Serge Pod: ~~~Delay in supply of [URL=/alpha/f/f/16]F-16[/URL] to Israel Air Force due to [URL=http://www.lmc.com]Lockheed [/URL]-Martin strike   The first planes are due to be delivered in 2004 instead of October 2003. The contract is valued at $4.5 billion. Dror…
2002-04-23, Serge Pod: ~~~Czech Cabinet approves Gripen acquisition proposal 23 April 2002 [url=http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/gripe nczechgroup.htm][img]http://airb ase.uka.ru/cache/sites/defence-d ata.com/storypic/468x468/gripenc…
2002-01-03, Serge Pod: ~~~Global Hawk crashes after Afghan mission 2 January 2002 [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/globa lhaus2.jpg[/IMG] A US Air Force RQ-4A Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle on a routine mission in support of US operations in Afghanistan crashed at 0830 GMT on 30 December. According to US Central Command it was returning to its undisclosed operating base when the accident occurred. Central Command said the crash was '...not the result of enemy fire and the aircraft will be recovered.' The Global Hawk is an unmanned reconnaissance and surveillance system designed to provide military commanders with high resolution, near real-time imagery of large geographic areas. Still in its development phase, it has been pressed into service because of its long endurance over a target. The aircraft was one of two in the theatre. REF XQQAS XQQMA XQQAR XQQIE DSD
2002-01-03, Serge Pod: France orders 20 more Rafale fighters 2 January 2002 The French Ministry of Defence has ordered 20 more Rafale fighters from French aircraft manufacturer Dassault. The French Air Force will receive twelve and the French Navy eight. This order supplements the contract placed in 1999 and brings to 61 the number of Rafale ordered by France (36 for the Air Force, 25 for the Navy). Of these 61 aircraft, 10 were delivered in 2001 and 13 more will be delivered in 2002. The first naval squadron was formed in May last year and two Rafale are currently embarked on the Charles-de-Gaulle aircraft carrier. The two-seater version, ordered at the end of 2001, will be delivered from 2008. The first Air Force squadron will be formed in 2006. In addition, the Ministry for Defense is developing the general-purpose standard F2 air-to-air and air-to-ground missile that will equip the Rafale and has begun the definition phase for the future F3 missile. REF XQQEE XQQSA XQQAR DSD
2002-01-03, Serge Pod: ~~~Osprey to enter two-year flight test programme 24 December 2001 The troubled V-22 Osprey aircraft will go through a two-year flight test programme, said Pete Aldridge, US Defense Undersecretary for acquisition, technology and logistics. "I've had some…
2001-12-20, Serge Pod: ~~~JASSM destroys hardened target in test 19 December 2001 Lockheed Martin's Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM) provided another demonstration of its operational effectiveness when it destroyed a hardened bunker target in a flight test on…
2001-12-20, Serge Pod: Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce sign JSF contract 20 December 2001 Pratt & Whitney (P&W) and Rolls-Royce have signed a contract covering Rolls-Royce's short take-off/vertical landing (STOVL) development work for the F135 propulsion system for the Lockheed…
2001-12-12, Serge Pod: ~~~Czech Republic opts to update Air Force with Gripen Fighters 11 December 2001 [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/468x4 68/gripenclose.jpg[/IMG] The Government of the Czech Republic has selected the SAAB-BAE Systems Gripen fighter to replace its ageing fleet of Mig 21 fighters, a move that represents another significant coup for the Anglo-Swedish group. Subject to the successful conclusion of contract negotiations 24 supersonic aircraft, the first squadron of which is expected to enter service in 2005, will update the Czech national defence capability and fulfil its required NATO commitments for the next 30 to 40 years. "We recognise a period of negotiations on complex issues lies ahead, but believe that this will lead to a successful solution for all concerned, "said Julian Scopes, regional managing director Europe with Gripen partner BAE Systems. "Gripen will give the Czech Air Force an outstanding multi-role defense capability, including air superiority within NATO and provide…
2001-12-04, Serge Pod: ~~~Successful test of Boeing AGM 86D CALCM 30 November 2001 [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/468x4 68/alcmms2.jpg[/IMG] The US Air Force recently flight-tested the new AGM-86D Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile (CALCM) at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The missile was launched from a US Air Force B-52 bomber and flew a pre-planned flight path to its target -- a hardened, buried target complex, which the warhead penetrated prior to detonation. Boeing is under contract to convert Air Launched Cruise Missiles (ALCM) to a CALCM variant designated as AGM-86D. "The AGM-86D will be able to destroy buried or reinforced targets from standoff ranges of hundreds of miles," said Carl Avila, Boeing ALCM/CALCM programme manager. "While the penetrating warhead provides the warfighter with a critical new tool, the key enabling technology is the precision accuracy upgrade -- first fielded in the Block 1A configuration -- that puts the CALCM within meters of the target." The AGM-86D…
2001-11-26, <au>: ~~~Bobo> А вот зачем военному транспортнику иллюминаторы? Что-б десантники не страдали комплексами? :smile: А ты пробовал в самолёте сутки просидеть? Безвылазно? :smile: Они-то с дозаправками летают - сдуреть можно нараз. Пилотам хоть порулить можно, а…
2001-11-18, Serge Pod: ~~~Boeing demonstrates EA-18 airborne electronic attack variant [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/468x4 68/ea18left.jpg[/IMG] 16 November 2001 Boeing has completed an initial flight demonstration of its EA-18 Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA) concept aircraft. The test used an F/A-18F Super Hornet to carry three ALQ-99 jamming pods and two fuel tanks while measuring noise and vibration data and assessing aircraft flying qualities. The EA-18 is one of the platforms under consideration in a US Department of Defense analysis of alternatives to replace the EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft. The US Navy has an operational need to start replacing the Prowler by 2008. "The EA-18 will perform full-spectrum electronic surveillance and electronic attack of enemy threat radars and communications nets," said Paul Summers, director for Boeing's F/A-18 derivative programmes. "The EA-18 leverages the US Navy's investment in the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet platform and Northrop Grumman's Improved…
2001-11-15, Serge Pod: ~~~A400M contract signing likely to be delayed - again [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/468x4 68/a400mp01.jpg[/IMG] 12 November 2001 The formal contract signing for the development of the A400M transport aircraft, due to take…
2001-11-07, Serge Pod: ~~~South Korea rolls out first T-50 1 November 2001 [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/storypic/468x4 68/t50pr011031.jpg[/IMG] The first T-50 Golden Eagle aircraft, an advanced, supersonic trainer being developed by Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) with the assistance of Lockheed Martin, was rolled out in a ceremony in Korea on October 31. The T-50 is a major stepping stone in South Korea's development as an aircraft manufacturing country and is aimed at capturing a third of the world's supersonic trainer market over the next thirty years. ''The T-50 is the first supersonic jet aircraft developed by our rapidly growing aerospace industry,'' said President Kim, Dae-jung who served as the principal speaker at the unveiling ceremony. ''This aircraft is expected to not only serve the advanced training needs of the Korean Air Force, but also a number of other major air forces around the world. We fully expect to be an exporter of advanced aerospace products.'' KAI is the prime contractor for the…
2001-10-28, Serge Pod: ~~~Russia offers new types of radio frequency weapons 26 October 2001 [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/sites /defence-data.com/logos/468x468/ rosoboronexportlogo.gif[/IMG] At the recentMaritime and Aerospace Exhibition LIMA 2001 held in Langkawi in Malaysia, Russia demonstrated two radio frequency weapons, the Ranets-E and the Rosa-E. Research and development of the weapons, which is based on the assumption that it is possible to disable not only guidance systems of high precision weapons, but also their electric circuits by generating certain levels of electromagnetic radiation began in the late 1990s. The State arms exporter Rosoboronexport, then called Rosvooruzheniye, initiated the export-oriented research. The co-operation between the state arms exporter and military researchers resulted in the preparation of two commercially oriented projects, Ranets-E and Rosa-E, which can be offered to potential clients. The Ranets-E project involves the creation of a mobile radio frequency defense system against high…
2001-10-27, <Brazd>: ~~~dsamoilov> Ну, посмотрим. dsamoilov> А перевод мне понравился... :smile: dsamoilov> "Боенг будет бит. Боенг может полуцить еше один большой удар." ... "Лохид победит, руки опустить"сказал генерал военно воздушных сил." dsamoilov> :biggrin: Перевод…
2001-09-22, Serge Pod: ~~~China's selection of Tu-204 worth $200M to Rolls-Royce 20 September 2001 [IMG]http://defence-data.com/sto rypic/tu204left.jpg[/IMG]Rolls-R oyce has said it has received new engine business worth up to $200 million, including options, following China's decision to select RB211-535E4 engines to power up to 15 Russian Tupolev Tu-204 aircraft. The aircraft selection is for five firm orders for Tu-204-120C freighter aircraft, the first of the type in the People's Republic of China, and options for ten more Tu-204 aircraft, in either passenger of freighter configuration. Engines for three of the firm aircraft are already included in the Rolls-Royce order book. Three of the five firm Tu-204 aircraft will be purchased and allocated to China Southwest Airlines and two to China Northwest Airlines by China Aviation Supplies Import -Export Corporation (CASC). The first aircraft is scheduled to enter service in late 2002. John Cheffins, President -- Civil Aerospace, Rolls-Royce plc said: "China's decision to purchase…
2001-06-15, Serge Pod: ~~~Eurofighter launches AMRAAM and ASRAAM 12 June 2001 The Italian Eurofighter prototype DA7 has completed a two-week series of weapons trials at the Decimomannu range on Sardinia. AMRAAM, ASRAAM and AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles were launched from the aircraft. [IMG]http://defence-data.com/sto rypic/eftda7a.jpg[/IMG]An AMRAAM S/CTV missile (Advanced medium range Air-to-Air Missile Separation/Control Test Vehicle), an inert warhead test missile with a motor to check the separation trajectory from the aircraft was launched in level flight from a height of 3,130 feet at a speed of 0.9 Mach. The test confirmed the Eurofighter's optimum launch platform qualities and the reliability and maturity of the aircraft systems. The DA7 prototype's test cycle also included the first launch of an ASRAAM (Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile) from a height of 5,000 feet at a speed of 0.89 Mach. This is an inert warhead operational missile fitted with the instrumentation necessary for data exchange with a Ground Station. BAE…
2001-05-02, Serge Pod: ~~~X-43A dress rehearsal flight successful 1 May 2001 The NASA X-43A hypersonic research vehicle and its Pegasus booster rocket, mounted beneath the wing of their B-52 mother ship, has had a successful first captive-carry flight. A dress rehearsal for the subsequent free flight, the captive-carry flight kept the X-43A-and-Pegasus combination attached to the B-52's wing pylon throughout the almost two-hour mission from NASA's Dryden Flight Research Centre, Edwards in California, over the Pacific Missile Test Range, and back to Dryden. X-43A-and-Pegasus combination attached to a B-52 wing pylon The unpiloted X-43A marks the return to dedicated hypersonic research flights (at least five times the speed of sound) that NASA last pursued with the X-15 programme that ended in 1969. Unique to the X-43A is its blending of an integrated airframe with a scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engine, intended to make the X-43A the first air-breathing hypersonic vehicle in free flight. This technology promises…
2001-04-07, Dron: ~~~ A major milestone in Russia's space industry have been achieved today when a heavy-class modernized carrier rocket "Proton-M" with accelerating block "Boeez-M" blasted off from Baikonur cosmodrome at 7:47 Moscow time, saturday. New missile possesses improved energetic and ecological qualities compared to base Proton model. Both new missile and the accelerating block have been built by Khrunichev Space Centre.  According to media-service of the Russian Flight Control Centre, new missile featuring greater payload capabilities delivered "Ekran-M" telecommunications satellite  to the geostationary orbit, which will ensure direct retranslation of TV channels to Siberia and Far Eastern parts of Russia. The new "Proton-M" missile is capable of delivering heaviest objects to space of up to 6.8 tons in weight which was previously impossible to accomplish. If need arises, Proton-M may also deliver multiple satellites to various orbits depending on customer's preference. [Edited by Dron, 07-04-2001]
2001-04-05, Dron: ~~~Washington Post Staff Writers Thursday, April 5, 2001; Page A01 Accused spy Robert P. Hanssen allegedly brought a D.C. stripper to religious services at his suburban Virginia church and spent at least $10,000 on a car for her in what authorities believe was a proselytizing effort, sources close to the investigation said this week. Federal investigators, who have interviewed the woman, are also examining whether Hanssen bought her an airplane ticket to Tokyo or other gifts in the early 1990s, according to law enforcement and intelligence sources. The purchases may provide important clues to what happened to some of the $600,000 in cash and diamonds that the former FBI counterintelligence agent allegedly received from Soviet and Russian governments in return for spying since 1985, according to the sources. Counterintelligence experts said that such purchases, combined with $275,000 in debt incurred by Hanssen and his wife, Bonnie, since 1992, could have provided warning signs to FBI officials that Hanssen…
2001-03-29, Dron: ~~~ BELVIDERE, New Jersey (Reuters) -- It was not the crime of the century when a man allegedly stole 58 cents from a car in rural New Jersey, but his trial and incarceration could end up costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. Over protests from a taxpayers' advocacy group and civil libertarians, prosecutors are pressing for a prison sentence of between five and 10 years for a drifter accused of stealing the money in Greenwich, New Jersey, in 1999. In drifter Michael Monroe's defense, his attorney said he slid his hand through a slightly open window of the car to give more air to a Rottweiler dog that had been left inside by its owner. It had already cost taxpayers $16,000 to keep Monroe in prison before his trial started Monday in Warren County Superior Court, local officials said. "That's a waste of taxpayers' money for a crime that wasn't life-threatening," said Sam Perelli, state chairman of United Taxpayers of New Jersey. "For 58 cents it seems kind of crazy to prosecute him and use this…
2001-03-27, Dron: ~~~ [IMG]http://www.area51researchce nter.com/8-3-00crash3.jpg[/IMG] LONDON (Reuters) - Two U.S. F-15 fighters went missing on a low-flying training mission over the Scottish Highlands on Monday and rescue workers were increasingly pessimistic after reports of an explosion. "As each hour and minute goes by, we are profoundly concerned about their fate," Royal Air Force spokesman Michael Mulford told Reuters after the fighters were reported overdue. "In search and rescue, one never says never but at this point it is difficult to be anything but pessimistic," he said. Contact was lost on both radar and radio from the fighters, on a training flight from their Lakenheath base in England. "Someone has reported an explosion in the Cairngorms. We now have two Nimrod aircraft, three helicopters, two RAF mountain rescue teams and several civilian teams all searching," the spokesman said. He said there were no reports of distress beacons. "This is something of a mystery. We are very concerned about the fate of these…
2001-03-15, Dron: ~~~ GIESSEN, Germany -- A U.S. soldier has been acquitted by a U.S. Army panel in the shooting death of a 6-year-old boy in Kosovo. Nicholas Young, who was 19 and serving as a peacekeeper at the time of the accidental shooting, was on trial on charges of negligent homicide and dereliction of duty following the death of the ethnic Albanian boy. He was facing up to 3 1/2 years in prison, dishonourable discharge, reduction in rank to private and forfeiture of all pay and allowances if convicted by the panel. Young burst into tears and threw his arms around his mother as he left the courtroom. Young was part of a group of U.S. Army soldiers visiting the Gornja Slatina school in the town of Cerkes Sadorina when his M-249 squad automatic weapon discharged. Rounds from the machine gun struck Gentrit Rexhepi in the chest and arm. The boy later died at Camp Bondsteel, where Army doctors tried to save his life. Young's unit, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery, "sponsored" the school and was on a goodwill mission at…
2001-03-12, Dron: ~~~ [IMG]http://airbase.uka.ru/alpha /rus/m/mig/29/img/mig-29_0010.jp g[/IMG] During official visit of RSK MiG representatives to Sophia (Bulgaria) both sides confirmed their mutual interest in fastest maintenance and modernization of MiG-29A fighter jets that are in service with Bulgarian Air Force. Bulgarian officials stressed on the fact that the deal must have absolutely no political context. Aside from that, Bulgaria takes no obligations related to future upgrade program of the Air Force which may include massive purchase of american equipment. International observers have mentioned that Bulgarian desperation is forced by integration with NATO which will require replacement of IFF (identification friend-or-foe) system aboard MiGs. Bulgarian Ministry of Defense is also exploring potential purchase of F-16s as possible successors to Fulcrums. [Edited by Dron, 12-03-2001]
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