Очередной "перевод" от снюсь-вру,
Деревянный "лунный камень" NASA, вероятно, был подобран в Аризоне :
Деревянный "лунный камень" NASA, вероятно, был подобран в Аризоне
Как сообщает Associated Press, появились новые данные о вероятном происхождении "лунного камня", вручённого в Нидерландах ведущему политику страны Виллему Дризу 9 октября 1969 года послом США в ознаменование визита в страну астронавтов экипажа "Аполлона 11" - последние, согласно официальной версии, подобрали его во время посещения Луны.
Оказалось, что иссохшая деревяшка, выданная Госдепартаментом США за "лунный камень", вероятно, родом из Аризоны.
Более подробная информация о запутанной ситуации и фальсификациях, окружающих программу "Аполлон", будет представлена на портале Исследования и разработки – R&D.CNews.
А что же на самом деле сообщает Ассошиэйтед пресс?
А вот что (
The Associated Press ):
The Rijksmuseum, more noted as a repository for 17th century Dutch paintings, announced last month it had had its plum-sized "moon" rock tested, only to discover it was a piece of petrified wood, possibly from Arizona. The museum said it inherited the rock from the estate of a former prime minister.
The real Dutch moon rocks are in a natural history museum. But the misidentification raised questions about how well countries have safeguarded their presents from Washington.
Genuine moon rocks, while worthless in mineral terms, can fetch six-figure sums from black-market collectors.
In fact, the Netherlands is one of the few countries where the location of both the Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 gift rocks is known. Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand are others - though none has rocks from both missions on permanent public display and some have been kept in storage for decades.
The Amsterdam case appears to be not fraud but the result of poor vetting by the Rijksmuseum.
Spokeswoman Xandra van Gelder said the museum checked with NASA after receiving the rock in 1992 from the estate of the late Prime Minister Willem Drees. NASA told the museum, without seeing it, that it was "possible" it was a moon rock.
But it weighed a whopping 89 grams (3.1 ounces). In addition, its gold-colored cardboard plaque does not describe it as a moon rock.
The U.S. ambassador gave Drees the rock during an Oct. 9, 1969 visit by the Apollo 11 astronauts to the Netherlands. Drees's grandson, also named Willem, told the AP his grandfather had been out of office for more than a decade and was nearly deaf and blind in 1969, though his mind was still sharp.
"My guess is that he did not hear well what was said," said the grandson. "He may have formed his own idea about what it was."
The family never thought to question the story before donating the rock, to which it had not attached great importance or monetary value.
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A Lannister always pays his debts.