Balancer>> Как и всюду, подавляющему большинству американцев вообще до России дела нетs.P.> Раньше действительно было так. Но теперь, мне кажется, дела нет ровно настолько, насколько человеку нет дела до политики в целом.
Ну, вот, достаточно популярный политфорум. Посещаемось в несколько раз выше, чем у Авиабазы вместе с Морским

Вот темы (и подфорумы) за последний час:
- Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny! / Politics
- Nat Turner. Hero or Villian? / Race Relations/Racism
- Is porn black magick and satanist? / Religion and Ethics
- Voting Republican in 2018, why? / Politics
- white forced to give up seat to black / Race Relations/Racism
- Titan drone, comet sampler picked as finalists for NASA mission / Science and Technology
- Revealed: Child sex robots could be used to treat paedophiles paid for by the tax payer / Current -
- 'The New York Times' Reports that Trump Made Blatantly Racist Statements About Immigrants / Current - Who exactly are the rich that aren’t paying their fair share? / Politics
- What are you listening to? / Music
- The Trump Administration / USMB Badlands
- Christmas horror: Exquisite human leather products being sold online / Current Events
- Boycott Israel / Israel and Palestine
- I wrote this almost two years ago about Trump / General Discussion
- DNC campaign slogan for 2020..."Make America North Mexico Again"? / Politics
- Voting Democrat in 2018 ? WHY ? / Politics
- Guatemala To Move Embassy To Jerusalam / Current Events
- Free Officer Michael Slager / Politics
- The unimaginable smug arrogance of the left-wing philosophy / Politics
If Trump works for Putin, why is he sending anti tank weapons to Ukraine? / Current Events
- Trump to Fire Mueller / The Rubber Room
- Last post wins! / Word Games and Other Fun
- This is now Hillary's to win / Politics
- The Electoral College / Politics
- The Christian Tithe ripoff. / Religion and Ethics
- Palestine Today / Israel and Palestine
- Trumps Gangsta Second Term / Politics
- We must restore constitutional government / Politics
- Bronze and Silver Obamacare Program are GARBAGE - Liberals let’s not forget this. / ObamaCare
- Keep a Word Delete a Word 2.0 / Word Games and Other Fun
- Sex Abuser Hysteria Claims a Life / Current Events
- Trump Killing Obama in Approval Rating / Politics
- More than 4 in 5 enrolled in 'Obamacare' are in Trump states / ObamaCare
- Navy gives "fitness pardon" to 48,000 sailors who fail fitness standards / Current Events
- Christian Songs / Music
- Presidential approval during first year in office / Politics
- Comrade tells his rich friends, "You just got a lot richer." /Politics
- Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2 / Israel and Palestine
- The Last Jedi is as bad as the fans say it is!!! / Reviews
- Tennessee House Republicans call for investigation after Memphis removes Confederate statues / Race - Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance / Current Events
- Thousands of dead fish wihtout eyes found washed up on a beach in Pinetamare Italy / Current Events
- The whites today are dumber then shit and will only be fucked harder by our masters the rich if we / The Rubber Room
Вот так, сходу, в списке видна только одна тема, связанная с Россией