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2020-03-07, Дем: … Ассортимент-то хороший. А вот в штуках оно печально.
2000-04-15, Jag_22: Pentagon Anthrax Program Ripped 04/14/00 09:51:27 AM U.S. EDT WASHINGTON (AP) – Twenty-eight months after U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen announced an ambitious program to immunize all 2.4 million service members against deadly anthrax, only about 420,000 have received the six-shot series. And supplies of the vaccine could run out as early as July as a result of persistent problems faced by the nation’s only manufacturer of the vaccine, the General Accounting Office says. The GAO, an investigatory and auditing branch of Congress, reported Thursday that the fundamental requirement of the program – maintaining an adequate supply of vaccine – has “not yet been met.” “The optimism at the start of this program was overstated,” Carole R. Schuster, associate GAO director for national security preparedness, told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Schuster said that stockpiled supplies of the vaccine are running low. Bioport Corp., the Lansing, Mich., drug manufacturer, was shut down for 17 months for…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: АО "ОКБ СУХОГО" ПЛАНИРУЕТ БОЛЬШЕ ВНИМАНИЯ УДЕЛАТЬ РАЗРАБОТКЕ ГРАЖДАНСКИХ САМОЛЕТОВ [14 Apr 2000] /Финмаркет/ Как сообщил первый заместитель генерального директора АО "ОКБ Сухого" Алексей Кнышев, рынок боевых самолетов весьма узок, поэтому АО "ОКБ Сухого" проектирует ряд гражданских самолетов, чтобы заполнить ниши авиарынка самолетами, на которые прогнозируется значительный спрос. По данным источника, наиболее перспективным проектом является создание сверхзвукового самолета С-21 для деловых полетов. На создание самолета потребуется около 1 млрд долл. и 2-5 лет работы. Продолжаются переговоры с фирмой Dassault Aviation по проекту С-21. Цена самолета составит не более 50 млн долл.
2000-04-15, Jag_22: U.S. Defense Industry Outlook Weak, Less Competitive by Anthony L. Velocci Jr. 04/14/00 06:27:41 PM U.S. EDT The U.S. defense industry likely will be less competitive and financially viable in 5-10 years unless action is taken soon, according to a Defense Science Board study scheduled for release in mid-April. An independent task force studying the health of the industry based its warning on several conditions currently afflicting many companies. They include, among others, the loss of experienced technical and management people and the difficulty in attracting new hires and experienced staff, the difficulty defense companies will continue to face in raising debt or equity capital, and the possibility that industry consolidation and vertical integration will put small companies at risk. While the core technology base serving the Defense Dept. is sound now, its future viability is at risk, the panel also concluded. Some difficulties facing companies are the result of corporate miscalculations and program…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: You Bet Your Life: Today’s Missile- Warning Systems by Don Herskovitz What’s long and thin, starts out as hot as Hades and can travel at Mach 2 and above? You have about five seconds to answer this question and, while the correct answer may not make you a millionaire, it could save your life. This month, JED looks at a contemporary assortment of surface-to-air-missile (SAM)-approach-warning systems. The physics of the problem, as well as some of the advanced strategies used to address these problems, are discussed. It is acknowledged at the outset that missiles also are launched at targets on the ground or afloat. But by far, the most destructive application of missiles has been against aircraft — missiles launched both from the ground or in air-to-air scenarios. Airborne missile-warning systems (MWSs) present the system designer with an advanced set of challenges not present in the two-dimensional world of land or sea operations. Low-level helicopter operations require sensitive systems that can instantly…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: System to Combat Pulse-Doppler Radar Threats Demonstrated Pulse-Doppler radar systems are extremely effective in long-range search, detection and tracking operations. While physically no larger than many pulsed-radar systems, the pulsed-Doppler (PD) radar provides vast improvements in performance. In addition to greatly increased reliability and improved jamming resistance, PD radar can detect smaller targets at longer ranges in the presence of intense clutter and track either single or multiple targets while searching for more targets. It is no wonder then, that radar-system designers have incorporated PD techniques in ground, shipboard and airborne systems since the 1980s. Three key features making pulsed Doppler system so effective are coherence, which enables detection of Doppler frequencies; digital processing with adjunct advances in accuracy and repeatability; and digital control, enabling extreme flexibility. Operations undertaken in Desert Storm in the early 1990s and more recent action in Kosovo…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: IR Sensor Demonstrated Aboard Small Air Vehicle The ROVIR, with its 42-in. wingspan, may be the smallest IR-sensor platform ever flown. (Sanders photo) Sanders, A Lockheed Martin Company (Nashua, NH), has successfully demonstrated a night-vision, infrared (IR) imaging system aboard a small unmanned air vehicle with a wingspan of only 42 in., a feat which Jack Miller, the company’s program manager for IR sensors, believes marks the “smallest IR airborne platform” ever flown. The Remote Observation Vehicle Infrared (ROVIR), developed by Sanders and Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (Palmdale, CA), was fitted with a 280-g uncooled microbolometer sensor, manufactured by Sanders’ Infrared Imaging Systems unit (Lexington, MA), according to Margaret Cohen, chief engineer for the program. The ROVIR flew over a scene which a variety of objects, from buildings and cars to people and power lines to demonstrate the feasibility of employing such a vehicle for covert, night-time, close-in reconnaissance and intelligence…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: JSF EW Systems Evaluated Testing at facilities in Ft. Worth, TX, has successfully demonstrated the signature, countermeasures systems and sensors for one of the competing JSF proposals. (Lockheed Martin artist's rendering) Evaluation of the electronic-warfare (EW) systems for Lockheed Martin’s proposed Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) have gotten underway at the company’s facilities in Ft. Worth, TX. The JSF’s signature, countermeasures systems and sensors have all come under the glass in recent months. Testing of the aircraft’s signature and countermeasures systems have been conducted at the Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator (AFEWES), which features real-time, real-frequency, hardware-in-the-loop and operator-in-the-loop simulations of a wide array of radar- and infrared-guided threat systems. More than 1,400 test runs were performed against infrared-guided, air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles (SAMs), and over 250 were run against radar-guided threats, including approximately 1,500 SAM-launch…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: EB-52 Initiative on the Table The Air Combat Command has proposed fitting the venerable B-52 bomber with Spear pods to create a support-jamming variant of the aircraft, dubbed the EB-52. (Boeing photo) The US Air Force (USAF) Air Combat Command (ACC) has delivered a proposal to the Air Staff aimed at converting twelve B-52 Stratofortresses into support-jamming aircraft, dubbed the EB-52. Following Operation Allied Force, the US military came to realize that it needed additional support-jamming capabilities, as EA-6B Prowlers were determined to be well overtasked, according to ACC officials. In addition, with the retirement of the EF-111, the USAF has been without a support-jamming aircraft of its own. Furthermore, a long-term successor to the EA-6B is at least ten years away (see “SEAD: Operation Allied Force and Beyond,” JED, January 2000; and “Analysis of Potential Prowler Successors Officially Underway,” JED, March 2000). The ACC initiative calls for the integration of a jamming pod aboard the venerable…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: French Plan EW UAV Sources suggest that the French Ministry of Defense has awarded French contractor Sagem SA a contract covering the supply of sufficient Crecerelle (Kestrel) unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to form a UAV communications-jamming platoon within the French Army. The Crecerelle entered service with the French Army (as a surveillance tool) during 1995 and was deployed to Bosnia during November/December of the same year. In terms of a payload for the new Crecerelle variant, French contractor Thomson-CSF Detexis is known to have worked on a UAV communications- jamming payload in the recent past. Thomson announced during mid-1994 that it was developing a range of potential UAV payloads under the generic designation Multi-mission Drone System (MDS). Amongst other MDS subsystems, Thomson looked at a “communications electronic warfare system” that comprised jamming, electronic-support and radio-relay modules. The last of these featured a frequency-hopping radio link to facilitate long-range operations.…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: SIGINT Basis for Warnings Against Cutting Attack Sub Fleet Reports, including one in The Washington Post, indicate that the Navy is using support for signals intelligence (SIGINT) and other special operations as the rationale for not cutting the attack-submarine fleet as much as called for by the Quadrennial Defense Review. The new idea supports a fleet of 68 attack subs, instead of dropping to the 50s. Although critics question the value of attack submarines now that the Cold War is over, the Navy plan includes using the undersea boats to spy on Third-World adversaries, tap undersea communications cables, intercept communications and secretly monitor weapons tests and military exercises. These missions will need new high-tech equipment for these missions. Like most defense programs, however, cost will be a major consideration. There is no guarantee, however, that the plan will come to fruition. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Army GEN Henry Shelton, has been quoted as saying that he is not leaning one way or…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: Iranian UAV Shot Down Over Iraq Iraq claims that its air-defense gunners shot down an Iranian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) last month, according to the Iraqi News Agency. The UAV, believed to be flying a reconnaissance mission, was reportedly shot down over Kankin, Iraq, near the country’s border with Iran. It is believed that the Iranian UAV may have been looking for Iranian resistance forces in that part of Iraq, a theory bolstered by the fact Iran launched attacks against two bases, located in Iraqi territory, of the Mujahadeen Khalq, an Iranian opposition group. Although no information was released regarding the type of UAV shot down, Iran is understood to be developing UAVs for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR). In fact, Iran recently announced the production of two new variants of its indigenously developed Ababil UAV, one of which, dubbed Ababil-S, was designed specifically for ISR operations. Initial reports indicated that the UAV that Iraq shot down may have been a US platform,…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: The Boeing Company and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) are teamed to develop a prototype fighter aircraft designed for stealth and agility. The result--after only 28 months--is a subscale tailless aircraft called the X-36. The 28-percent scale, remotely piloted X-36 has no vertical or horizontal tails, yet it is expected to be more maneuverable and agile than today's fighters. In addition, the tailless design reduces the weight, drag and radar cross section typically associated with traditional fighter aircraft. In a series of upcoming flight tests, the low-cost X-36 research vehicle will demonstrate the feasibility of using new flight control technologies in place of vertical and horizontal tails to improve the maneuverability and survivability of future fighter aircraft. During flight, the X-36 will use new split ailerons and a thrust-vectoring nozzle for directional control. The ailerons not only split to provide yaw (left and right) control, but also raise and lower…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: HYPER-X HYPERSONIC EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH VEHICLE Artist's Rendering of HYPER-X PROJECT SUMMARY Hyper-X, NASA's multi-year hypersonic flight research program, seeks to overcome one of the greatest aeronautical research challenges - air-breathing hypersonic flight. Far outpacing contemporary aircraft of supersonic capability, three X-43A vehicles will fly at speeds of Mach 7 and 10. Ultimately, the revolutionary technologies exposed by the Hyper-X Program promise to increase payload capacities and reduce costs for future air and space vehicles. MicroCraft, Inc. of Tullahoma, Tenn., is the industry partner chosen by NASA to construct the X-43 vehicles. The contract award announcement occurred on March 24, 1997, with construction of the vehicles beginning soon thereafter. Orbital Sciences Corporation's Launch Vehicles Division in Chandler, Ariz. will construct the Hyper-X launch vehicles. The Hyper-X Phase I program — an agency-wide effort to address one of the greatest aeronautical research challenges…
2000-04-15, Jag_22: Israel Won't Cancel Spy Plane Deal Associated Press JERUSALEM (AP) - Visiting Chinese president Jiang Zemin has been given assurances that Israel will not cancel the sale of an early warning aircraft to China despite American pressure. In a meeting with Jiang, Prime Minister Ehud Barak said Israel values the Chinese market too much to risk it by backing out of a signed contract. Jiang continues his six-day official visit to Israel today, meeting with President Ezer Weizman at the Dead Sea and touring the nearby desert. Israel and China signed a contract three years ago for an Israeli-made PHALCON radar system mounted on a Russian Ilyushin airplane. In recent months the United States has been pressing Israel to cancel the deal, fearing it would upset the delicate balance of power between China and Taiwan, which Beijing regards as a renegade province. PHALCON is an airborne radar system that, like the American-made AWACS system, gives early warning of approaching attack aircraft. The speaker of Israel's…
2000-04-14, maxim: Руководство группы "Сибирский алюминий" приняло решение с 2002 года прекратить производство самолета "Ту-154М", который сейчас составляет основу среднемагистрального флота всех авиакомпаний СНГ. Об этом решении на своей первой пресс-конференции сообщил новый директор самарского завода "Авиакор" Виктор Петрищев . Вместо "Ту", завод в будущем планирует выпускать самолеты "Ан-140" и "Ан-70", а также наладить швейное производство. Завод "Авиакор", выпускающий самолеты "Ту", перешел под контроль группы "Сибирский алюминий" в 1998 году. Тогда группа активно скупала металлообрабатывающие предприятия, пытаясь создать холдинг, который бы не только изготавливал первичный алюминий, но и выпускал бы готовую продукцию из этого металла. Однако "Авиакор" не оправдал надежд "Сибалюминия". К моменту покупки завод находился в тяжелом положении. Генеральный директор Андрей Карклин, поставленный во главе "Авиакора" алюминиевым холдингом, в первую очередь начал объединять предприятие, разделенное к тому моменту на 31 структуру,…
2000-04-14, maxim: ВВС Индии начали опытную эксплуатацию двух самолетов ДРЛО А-50, полученных в лизинг от России. Полеты проводятся с авиабазы Чандигарх (штат Пенджаб вблизи индо-пакистанской границы). Помощь в освоении А-50 оказывают российские технические специалисты. Продолжаются работы по созданию самолета ДРЛО, который строится по китайскому заказу российской (ТАНТК им. Бериева) и израильской ("Эльта") фирмами. Осуществлению проекта пытаются помешать США, однако премьер-министр Израиля Эхуд Барак заявил, что обязательства по контракту будут выполнены. "Независимое военное обозрение", (14.04.2000)
2000-04-14, maxim: Москва возобновляет широкомасштабные поставки оружия на Ближний Восток - первая эскадрилья истребителей Су-27 в начале следующей недели будет переброшена в Дамаск. То, что Сирия приступила к перевооружению своей армии, новостью не является - Дамаск уже заявлял о том, что готов потратить на эти цели в ближайшие два года свыше 2 млрд долл. Москва заключила с Дамаском договоренность о продаже и гарантийном обслуживании новейших видов военной техники. Авиационное производственное объединение им.Гагарина(ГУП "КНААПО") в Комсомольске-на-Амуре завершает выполнение сирийского заказа на поставку истребителей Су-27. Продолжается выполнение контракта на перевооружение сирийской армии противотанковыми ракетными комплексами "Корнет-Э" и "Метис-М" производства Тульского КБ приборостроения. Сирийская противовоздушная оборона в ближайшее время, вероятно, получит зенитно-ракетные комплексы С-300, а сухопутные войска - новые танки Т-90, производимые "Уралвагонзаводом" в Нижнем Тагиле. ИА "Время новостей", (14.04.2000)
2000-04-14, Serge Pod: Путевка в небо Юрий ГАВРИЛОВ Фото Дмитрия ДЕБАБОВА Ее получили участники 8-го Всероссийского авиационно-космического конкурса Это событие подростки из общеобразовательных школ-интернатов с первоначальной летной подготовкой (ПЛП) и клубов юных летчиков и космонавтов ждали целый год. Не просто ждали - к нему напряженно готовились: летали на спортивных самолетах и прыгали с парашютом, работали на тренажерах, штудировали специальную литературу, осваивали «морзянку»... И все эти месяцы лишь один вопрос волновал ребят и их руководителей: не сорвется ли конкурс, не поступит ли в последний момент команда «отбой»? Не сорвалось. Несмотря на многочисленные проблемы, - о них речь впереди - очередной, восьмой по счету Всероссийский авиационно-космический конкурс состоялся. На этот раз - в Челябинске, на базе филиала Балашовского военного авиационного института. 11 команд собрались здесь, чтобы в честной и открытой борьбе выявить лучших. К слову, помимо чисто соревновательного момента, был у ребят и стимул посерьезней.…
2000-04-14, Serge Pod: Поле боя – эфир Вел беседу Олег ФАЛИЧЕВ 15 апреля в Вооруженных Cилах РФ впервые отмечается День специалиста радиоэлектронной борьбы, который был учрежден приказом министра обороны РФ 3 мая 1999 года. О том, что такое РЭБ, о ее роли и значении в вооруженной борьбе, рассказывает в беседе с нашим корреспондентом начальник Управления радиоэлектронной борьбы Генерального штаба Вооруженных Сил Российской Федерации генерал-лейтенант Валерий ВОЛОДИН. - Валерий Николаевич, многое из того, что связано с понятием радиоэлектронная борьба, широкому кругу читателей, увы, пока неизвестно... - Говоря военным языком, радиоэлектронная борьба - это вид стратегического (оперативного, боевого) обеспечения с присущими только ему методами противодействия противнику. Она заключается в целенаправленном воздействии электромагнитными излучениями на радиоэлектронные объекты в системах управления для разрушения полезной информации или внедрения ложной. Это может осуществляться также для защиты своих радиоэлектронных систем, снижения…
2000-04-14, Serge Pod: АО "ОКБ Сухого" стремится заполнить все ниши авиарынка своими разработками Как сообщил первый заместитель генерального директора АО "ОКБ Сухого" Алексей Кнышев, АО "ОКБ Сухого" стремится вести перспективные разработки различных самолетов для удовлетворения прогнозируемого на них спроса. По его словам, в частности, исследуется проект самолета КР-860 на 700-1000 пассажиров. Самолет не конкурирует с проектом А3ХХ фирма Airbus Indistrie. АО "ОКБ Сухого" постоянно контактирует с этой фирмой и предложил ей свое участие в в создании самолета типа КР-860 и А3ХХ. Стоимость НИОКР по КР-860 оценивается в 4-5,5 млрд долл. Цена КР-860 составит 150-200 млн долл. Спрос на самолеты типа КР-860 оценивается в 300 машин. 14.04.00 9:35:09 /Финмаркет/ © 2000, ИА "Финмаркет" Финмаркет
2000-04-14, Jag_22: Boeing Installs Engine in JSF X-32A Demonstrator Aircraft These images are available for editorial use by news media on Boeing Media PALMDALE, Calif., April 11, 2000 — The Boeing Joint Strike Fighter One Team has installed the engine that will power the Boeing JSF X-32A concept demonstrator through flight testing. Designated the YF004, the engine has successfully completed 45 hours of acceptance testing at engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney's (UTX) facility in West Palm Beach, Fla. "We projected a day to install the exhaust system into the airframe, but we did it in less than two hours," said Steve Kyle, Boeing JSF propulsion manager. "We also planned a day to install and pin the engine, and that took only four hours. "We used 3D design tools throughout the development program to simulate engine installation. This kind of installation performance is the product of our lean processes. It demonstrates how our effective engine removal and installation concept will sustain high JSF sortie rates in fleet…
2000-04-14, Jag_22: Greece orders 60 Typhoons The Greek government made a decision on the 8th of March to order 60 Eurofighter Typhoons for Greece. The deliveries will take place in 2005 - 2009. There is an option for 30 more fighters. In addition to Typhoons Greece has ordered 50 Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 50+ flighters. These deliveries will commence in late 2002 and continue for two years. Copyright Eurofighter news
2000-04-14, Jag_22: Additional Exports May Sustain F-15 Production Line Defense Daily reports that Saudi Arabia is mulling a possible purchase of 6-12 F-15E Strike Eagle aircraft. This would apparently be an attrition/follow-on order to complement 72 F-15S models ordered by the Saudis in 1993. The F-15S differs from its E stablemate primarily in its ground attack software, which has been modified to reduce capabilities in certain attack modes. Boeing has delivered all of the F-15S variants. The Republic of Korea is also looking at the F-15E and reportedly will dispatch a team to the United States this fall to evaluate the aircraft for its upcoming FX fighter competition. The Boeing candidate is competing against the Eurofighter Typhoon, Dassault Rafale, and the Russian-designed Sukhoi Su-35 for the RoK requirement. Source: Defense Daily
2000-04-14, Jag_22: Lockheed Martin Launches JSF Avionics Flying Test Bed Advanced Capability Demonstrations Reduce Risk and Cost in EMD FORT WORTH, Texas — In late February, the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) team began airborne testing of its prototype multisensor avionics as part of the JSF Concept Demonstration program. Testing is being conducted in Northrop Grumman’s Cooperative Avionics Test Bed (CATB), a modified BAC 1-11 aircraft, from their facilities in Baltimore, Md. Airborne testing is required to reduce risk by factoring in dynamic, real-world effects on sensor performance that cannot be adequately reproduced in simulations or ground testing. "We expect the tests to provide a significant amount of valuable data on our advanced sensor suite," said Frank J. Cappuccio, vice president and Lockheed Martin JSF program manager. "The data will be fed into our cost-effectiveness design tradeoff models to ensure we have a low-risk, highly capable, yet affordable, next-generation fighter. With the flawless…