Упс, нашёл ссылочку —
http://www.portauthority.org/PAAC/tabid/237/Default.aspx — посчитал (22, 10, 13, 0.445, 2, 2):
Your regular commute: $474.54
Your commute riding with the Port Authority: $114.16
Riding with the Port Authority saves you: $360.38
Т.е. проездной будет стоить на месяц меньше 150 и для двух зон.
У нас в райончике построили крытый гараж — так вот для него:
The Bi-Pass allows riders to park at the South Hills Village Parking Garage and ride the T or bus into town. It provides for both parking at the SHV Garage and a Zone 2 monthly pass for riding. More Info
Price $97.00
А так на месяц — 75 — если парковаться на открытой бесплатной стоянке.
Хех, даже из из зоны 3 проездной на месяц стоит только 93 уе.
А вообще-то, у нас в даунтауне местный коммунизм
Free Fare Zone
The Free Fare Zone was established to promote the use of transit within Downtown Pittsburgh, encourage intramodal transfer and reduce boarding delays. The Free Fare Zone is defined by the following boundaries:
The Allegheny River
The Monongahela River
Ross Sreet, Bigelow Square, Penn Station, Liberty Ave @ RR overpass and 11th St.
For bus riders, fares are free within this zone from the first scheduled city arrival after 4:00 a.m. through the last scheduled city departure time before 7:00 p.m., seven days a week. After the 7:00 p.m. scheduled city departure, riders are required to pay a $1.50 Downtowner Zone fare. For "T" riders fares are free within this zone 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
На автобсы коммунизм распротраняется по определённым часам, на метро-трамвай — 24 на 7.