И для подъёма духа, пара статеек о пользе винопития (умеренного, как говорят гг. учёные

Обзор 1:
Epidemiologic studies fromnumerous disparate populations reveal that individuals with the habit of daily moderate wine consumption enjoy significant reductions in all-cause and particularly cardiovascular mortality when compared with individuals who abstain or who drink alcohol to excess.
Обзор 2
The moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages, defined as 1 to 2 drinks per day, has been suggested to increase overall survival rates in a number of different population groups. One standard drink is generally considered to be 1.5 oz of liquor, 5 oz of wine, or 12 oz of beer. The patient groups that appear to benefit most from light to moderate drinking, middle-aged men and women, are also those who are at increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease. ...
When the data from 51 epidemiological studies were combined, they showed that the risk of coronary heart disease decreased by approximately 20% when 0 to 2 alcoholic drinks were consumed per day. Apparently healthy adults, patients with a history of heart attack, and patients with diabetes all appeared to benefit. Results from the large Health Professionals Follow-Up Study, a study in which 38,077 male health professionals who were free of cardiovascular disease were observed for 12 years, suggested that drinking 1 to 2 drinks per day, 3 to 4 days per week decreased the risk of having a heart attack by as much as 32%. The formation of an occluding blood clot in an artery that supplies part of the brain can lead to stroke. Light to moderate alcohol consumption was found to be associated with an approximately 20% reduction in the risk for ischemic stroke and may even be beneficial in preventing subsequent strokes.
Вкратце : потребление эквивалента ~10-20мл этанола в день снижает риск сердечного приступа на 20-32%, и снижает риск инсульта на 20%.
здесь рассматривается вопрос: "А сколько выпивки - слишком много?"
Parsons and Nixon (1998) reviewed studies of moderate or social drinking published between 1986 and 1996. In this overview, they found 10 studies that failed to find any effect of alcohol intake on cognitive functions, whereas seven of the reviewed studies did demonstrate significant effects. However, the mean number of weekly standard alcoholic drinks in the studies showing cognitive effects was more than 30 drinks per week (12–14 g alcohol per drink).
Т.е. показано, что проблемы с мозгами происходят при потреблении 30 доз по 12-14 г. этанола в неделю.
А умеренное потребление (20-40 г. спирта в день) увеличивает вероятность цирроза печени в 2-4 раза...